Diane Cohen
Growing up Jewish in a family in Columbus, Ohio where everyone seemed to be talking at once, it was no surprise when Diane became an attorney and an active leader in the synagogue. Although warned by her old-world grandmother to be careful about Christian antisemitism, Diane was drawn to a book entitled, Rabbi Jesus. Reading it on an airplane, she struck up a conversation with a Christian woman, herself an author. Diane then entered a difficult time, when her marriage of 28 years dissolved. Some time later, she received a package in the mail from the woman she had met on the plane which contained one of her books and a card with the scripture, “He will delight in you with song” (Zephaniah 3:17) – the verse of scripture Diane had awoken with in her mind that very day. Deeply moved, Diane attended a service with her believing sister, received prayer and became a believer.